Public records tips & tricks

By North Carolina law, public records are property of the people. Below is a running list of resources for helping you access records in the public interest.

Request template

Not sure where to start? If you’re submitting a records request in North Carolina, feel free to use or remix the template below.

Pursuant to state public records law, I request access to and copies of [[[WHAT YOU WANT]]]

I’d like copies of these records in electronic format, preferably in [[[HOW YOU WANT IT]]]. If you are unable to provide the records in this format for any reason, please let me know.

If applicable, please provide these records as they are processed.

Please notify me in advance of any fees associated with this request, and if my request is denied in whole or part, I ask that you justify all deletions and redactions by reference to specific exemptions in the state open records act.

If you need any additional information to fulfill this request, please let me know.

Submitting a Freedom of Information Act request to a federal agency? Use the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press iFOIA tool or Muckrock’s FOIA request generator.

Public records portals

A running list of public records portals in North Carolina (and some on the federal level). Agencies generally route records requests through these sites, some of which encourage registration.

Know of any portals we’re missing? Respond to @mtdukes’ Twitter thread here.

State agencies


Cities and towns

Public boards

Colleges and universities

Federal agencies

Other resources

Special thanks

A note of gratitude to the fabulous folks (so far) who have contributed resources and links to this page:

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